This update came as a surprise and broke all my command prompt links for git repos.I could get used to it, but you completely changed (compared to cmd.exe) what happens when you double click on the screen to select text. This unnecessarily fancy terminal window makes is so much more awkward to copy and paste file paths from a command line window.
The Windows Terminal is a new terminal application from Microsoft that offers command-line tools and shells like Command Prompt, PowerShell, and WSL. Microsoft today released v0.7 update for Windows Terminal app in Microsoft Store. This is a major update with several new features including support for multiple panes, tab reordering, UI Improvements and more. Read about these new features in detail below.
Windows Terminal Gets A Huge Update
The latest version of Windows Terminal comes with an updated interface that can be dragged from anywhere, but the draggable area is still limited to the right side and portion gets smaller when more tabs are open.
It is important to stay up to date on new releases, as they provide users with valuable features and fixes. When installed using the machine-wide installer, Slack does not auto-update. In order to stay current with new Slack releases, we have provided an RSS feed to notify you of new Windows Slack Desktop App updates: -notes/windows/rss.
The 1.16 update is available now in the Windows Terminal Preview app on the Microsoft Store. Once all the bugs are ironed out, it will roll out to the main Windows Terminal app, which is preinstalled on Windows 11 (and will soon be the default terminal on 11).
As long as settings.json is still a valid JSON file and still adheres to the terminal schema, you will see the background update right away with no need to manually refresh or close and re-open the terminal. You can see a great example of this real-time updating below.
(base) C:\Users\navee> this is my actual anaconda prompt(base) C:\WINDOWS\System32> this is anaconda prompt in windows terminalin the windows terminal, I'm running anaconda prompt as administrator modehelp me change into the user mode with windows terminal
No, I'm not trying to run as admin.... while running in a Windows Terminal by default it's running in admin modeI tried to change the path also, but every time in windows terminal, the anaconda prompt opening as administrator mode.Anyways it won't make any difference if I run as administrator mode, so no probs Thank You Cassie, thanks for ur time n support :) 2ff7e9595c